3-Ingredients Cookies You’ll Ever Make

4.9 ★★★★★ | Being on a diet, while this can be a wise move for your well-being, can be extremely challenging. Especially for those sweet-lovers among us, you know the urge to break and indulge in a dessert can be near impossible to resist. If you’re craving cookies but you’re on a diet, then you’re going to want to be in on this little secret.

Being on a diet, while this can be a wise move for your well-being, can be extremely challenging. Especially for those sweet-lovers among us, you know the urge to break and indulge in a dessert can be near impossible to resist. If you’re craving cookies but you’re on a diet, then you’re going to want to be in on this little secret.

3-Ingredients Cookies You’ll Ever Make , .

4,9 ★★★★★ | Being on a diet, while this can be a wise move for your well-being, can be extremely challenging. Especially for those sweet-lovers among us, you know the urge to break and indulge in a dessert can be near impossible to resist. If you’re craving cookies but you’re on a diet, then you’re going to want to be in on this little secret.

Total Time: 30 Minutes, Servings: 15 Servings

Ingredients :
  • Overripe bananas
  • Raisins (or craisins, walnuts, ect.)
  • Rolled oats

Instructions :
  • Star by combining all your ingredients in a mixing bowl. It’s best to combine with your hands, squishing the ingredients together.
  • Shape the dough into flat, round circles.
  • Line a baking sheet with tin foil or baking paper and spray with Pam, olive oil, coconut oil, ect. Line up your cookies.
  • Bake for 15-20 minutes at 350 ℉. If you have leftover dough, you can microwave the cookies for 30-60 seconds.

Copyright: Recipes Chasing The Queen

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